Online meeting

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Online meeting
Vredeslicht regio Brussel jette Merchtem Lebbeke woensdagagavond 17 juli 2024 19u00 meeting hieronder

(c) IMAGO.DE / Invoice No.: P42045 / Client No.: PK12632 / Invoice Date: 14.08.2022 / Vredeslicht kocht deze foto op 14/08/2022 van / De foto is niet te downloaden vanop onze website. / IMAGO Image ID: 0152570322 *** Ukraine Conflict 2022 03 03, GER, Bavaria, Passau Vigil for Peace in Europe The association Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e V organized a vigil in the Klostergarten The association was also supported by Fridays for Future Passau At the end, the candles extinguished by the wind are still lit for a minutes silence

De Algemene Vergadering komt er aan datum wordt later bepaald. 2024 om 10u00/ Locatie Drongen GO school.